The Science of Getting Rich – It Does Not Require A 9-5 Job.


Posted on : 12:07 AM | By : Walpaper

The further on you read, you'll begin to understand why it is obvious to even a blind person that those who get rich have nothing extraordinarily great about them except the will to preserve, be consistent and not afraid of taking risk. The only exception would be the person who was born into wealth. However for the sake of this discussion, we will focus on those who want to become rich.

You cannot get rich by saving money or working a 9-5 job while relying on your paycheck. Your mentality has a lot to do with how you perceive prosperity and wealth. If those who are rich can do it, so can you. The universe is open to anyone who will grab what is his or hers. There is no bias or favoritism, but there are qualities and laws that must be followed.

If your thoughts are focused on lack, then that is what you are going to receive. Your lack is apparent, but your focus should not be on what you don't have, but on what you want to have. This is the first seed to plant in getting rich. The Science of Getting Rich is quite simply a place held in the mind. If nothing else seems to be working, it is because of what you are thinking about or not thinking about.

If you are comfortable in your 9-5 job, that means you are either fearful of the unknown or don't think that you can be rich without exchanging your time for dollars. Money is acquired through the exchange of a service or product. If you have a service or product to offer the population, then the possibilities of getting rich is closer than you think. However, your first aim is to acclimatize your mind to think and grow rich.

After you have changed your thought process to believe in yourself and what you have to offer, then you have to begin to treat others the way that you want to be treated. By offering a great service that individuals can benefit from, you will come closer to being rich because you are giving them exactly what they need.

Be realistic with your budget. While you live within your means, you can create a blueprint for your life and take steps in accomplishing each goal one at a time.

The Science of Getting Rich advocates that this law requires that you practice fairness in your business practices and don't try to compete with your competitor. As long as you are giving people what they need out of supply and demand, you should not be overly concerned about your competition except to wish them well. Some people go into business to beat their competition, but that is not what the Law or Science of Getting Rich adheres to. There is enough for all of us in the universe, so we need not compete with anyone.

Don't ever limit yourself. If you believe you have limitations, you won't go much further than those limitations that you concoct in your mind. If you visualize your success, you will be able to take the cap off of your limitations and soar to newer heights. If your employer can start a company from a dream, why can't you?

A Genuine Internet Business Opportunity Is Your Answer


Posted on : 12:59 AM | By : Walpaper

The genuine internet business opportunity can bring a change to circumstances, without prejudice, forged with hope and assurance. A genuine place of business has emerged on the horizon, and that place of business is the internet. A genuine internet business opportunity, once taken, can revolutionize the way we look at things. It's the opportunity to work successfully while we enjoy the relationships, and to recharge those who are in need -- helping one another. It's "people helping people" to share the bounties that life and living offers. Everyone is always so excited to be a part of such a business. But remember that you have to work with the tools provided by the company -- it is a business, even if it's only virtual. It's the opportunity that someday will eclipse the drudgery of life. An internet business can take you away from the daily grind and gives you the freedom to live as you want. I invite you to this place of a genuine internet opportunity, where you can work wherever you have a connection to the world-wide web. You can find hundreds of companies with which to work, with just a little searching. Or you can take the freelance approach to an internet business. The choice is yours! The same winds of change blows on us all. You can let push you around...or use it to fill your sails and take you to the biggest incomes or your heart's desire. You have the key to open its doors - an internet business right from home. Don't spend your life only looking at the door, never opening it. Find the genuine business opportunity that is right for you, and walk right through! Does an internet business sound intriguing? Yes, it's possible and you can do it! For more information on genuine internet opportunity, check out:

Internet Marketing


Posted on : 10:59 PM | By : Walpaper | In :

New e-commerce businesses are caught up in SEO and web optimization. They view Google as the holy grail of making profits via the internet. Their internet marketing budget is sank into buying traffic, optimizing pages, and establishing major PayPerClick programs with the major search engines. All the work, and expense, involved in following the pack, is virtually unnecessary in today’s ecommerce world.

Marketing the Website

Submitting to search engines is only the first step toward a strong Internet Marketing campaign – it should never be the full focus. There are several ways to market a website.

- search engine optimization
- Pay Per Click
- Search Engine Submission
- Generating Inbound Links and increasing Page Rank
- Building Content
- Adding Social Networking Tools such as forums

Each one of these tools have a benefit. Recently a blog community went from PR0 – PR4, and receiving 300 000 hits a month with a budget of $50 a month. The blog community invested $20 a month in a PayPerClick program to ‘boost’ their exposure on Google and be accepted and ‘ranked’ faster. submitted the website to more than 3000 search engines, free, using Despite the ‘old’ search engine hype, this should only be done once or twice a year. They embarked on an article writing, forum promoting, and encouraging members to ‘put the word out.’ The inbound link campaign increased their Page Rank to PR4 within 5 months, an incredible feat.

Next, communati added social networking features like points and a chat. The important ‘trick’ to remember is that search engines give more rank to pages inside the website, not the index or home page. Building links to the home page is becoming a waste of time. Five articles with specific topics that contain high keywords, links to the rest of the ecommerce website, and ‘hooks’, will generate more PR than links to a buy now page, the index page, or a page with heavy images and graphics.

Marketing the Blog

All websites should include a blog. Not because a blog is necessary, or because people read them. The number one reason for putting up a blog is to increase keyword density, but keep in below the 5% ‘red flag’ level. It also generates dozens of extra content pages, increases the number of ‘in house’ links which are also important to increasing page rank.

A blog can also be submitted to blog directories. The best way to submit is using a service. When an Internet Marketing manager submits a blog to a directory, they must include a backward link. When they use a service they can submit to about 1000 directories without back links. The price ranges from $200 - $500.,

One advantage of a blog is that it is submitted to the blog directories every time someone writes a new post. Web sites that are submitted more than 4 or 5 times a year may find themselves banned. However, a blog can ping the search engine several times a day without risk of being banned.

In turn, the blog search engines ‘ping’ the big search engines who give the ‘new’ content high page rank for the first few hours.

Marketing The Podcast

No podcast on your ecommerce website? Why? Submitting it to the podcast directories is another way to generate free exposure. The podcast only needs a few streaming or downloaded files to qualify. Podcasts can also be listed on dozens and dozens of free services, each building links to the main site, as well as increasing the exposure to the website., Digg Podcasts , Podcast Pickle , or

The most popular podcatcher software is iTunes, which is available as a free download from

Promote Video

Does your product Appeal to younger people? Then load video at facebook, youtube, etc and then submit those videos. Don’t make a dry workshop or seminar style tutorial, but make it interesting. It is amazing how many younger people click in keywords, and then use the ‘search video only’ link to view relevant videos instead of reading articles.

The list continues. Submit your newsletter, forums, and chat directories. A single article can be submitted to more than 50 000 article submission ‘free content’ sites. No cost involved, except time, and the exposure will create a ripple effect sending your message farther across the web than a $100 000 SEO, traffic buying, and search engine submission campaign.

Web Search