LG4 Truck Driver


Posted on : 4:55 AM | By : Walpaper

LG4 Truck Driver

Learn How to make Money $$


Posted on : 11:29 PM | By : Walpaper | In : , , , ,

There are several way in which you can earn real cash online either full time or part time. You need to focus on what you want to do and within no time you find yourself earning not less than 200 dollars a week.
1. There are Paid survey (you earn money when you take online survey, you also earn if you refer other people who also tke survey)
2. You can also earn by typing adds for other clients.
3. You can earn by setting up a small e- commerce site.

Basically you can turn mouse click into cash and fire you Boss!

How Do I Get My Business On The Internet?


Posted on : 8:33 PM | By : Walpaper

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by small business owners. They are feeling the pressure from their customers and competitors, yet for many business people it is a daunting task, as they don't understand the whole process.

In fact, many people are even asking the question whether they should have a website. Whether you are a consultant, florist, designer, builder, architect or a doctor, consider the many advantages a website provides:

1. Make money - Set up an on-line store or get paid for advertising from other companies

2. Save money on advertising - Instead of paying for large ads, simply advertise your website

3. Be flexible in your message - Change the content as your business changes. No need to re-print expensive brochures.

4. Exposure to new customers - You will reach more local clients as well as interstate and global markets

5. Having more professional image - Keep up with the times and your competitors

6. Save time - Don’t spend hours on the phone, direct customers to your website

7. Keep your business open 24/7 - Provide customers information when THEY need it. If you don’t, someone else will.

So what does it really take to get your website set up?

Step 1 - Register your domain name OR not.

The big question is whether you need to register a domain name or not. The simple answer is NO, but a better answer is YES it is a good idea.

What is a domain name?

The purpose of a domain name is similar to that of a street address or telephone number. The domain name directs customers to you on the Internet. The domain by itself is not your email or web address. The domain does form the base from which these addresses are derived.

For example: Company Name: QikPhone Domain Name: qikphone.com.au Web Address: www.qikphone.com.au Email Address: sales@qikphone.com

Do I need to register a domain name to have a website?

NO, you don't need to have your own domain name. Your website can be created and hosted without it. Your website address will look something like this: www.web4business.com.au/JBCleaning OR www.ozemail.com.au/~JBCleaning

The only advantage of not registering a domain name is that you will save yourself a few dollars.

The disadvantages of NOT having your domain name include:

1. If you decide to change your Webhosting company or if that company goes out of business, you will lose your website address. Your website can be transferred to a new company, but your address will change. And that means re-printing stationery and re-doing all your advertising, notifying all your customers etc.

2. Website addresses that contain information other than your company name are long and hard to remember and do not appear as professional. Compare these two and see which one you are more likely to remember: www.ozemail.com.au/~JBCleaning OR www.JBCleaning.com.au

So it is a good idea to register a domain name, even if it is just to protect yourself for the future. Say for example, your business name is JB Cleaning and you decide not to register your domain name for now. Along comes Joe Bloggs who opens his own cleaning business and registers JBCleaning.com.au domain name. After a year you decide you want to have your own domain name, but since Joe Bloggs already owns it, you won't be able to register it. Not to mention your customers who know your business as JB Cleaning may visit his website, thinking it's your web address and instead hire Joe Bloggs Cleaning.

Step 2 - Plan your website.

Planning your website is a two part process:

(a) Decide on the website design (colour schemes, buttons, special effects etc). This is your website designer's job. However, you may have a preference for a certain colour or look. To help you choose a design, you may wish to check out other people's websites or work with your web designer's pre-set templates.

(b) The content. There are many items you may wish to include on your website. The most common ones include:

1 Product/Service Details
2. Contact Information
3. Pricing
4. Testimonials
5. Frequently Asked Questions
6. Response Form, such as "Join Mailing List"
7. On-line Magazine or Newsletter
8. Resources & Articles
9. Guarantee
10. Survey
11. Events Calender
12. Search My Website Form
13. Refund Policy
14. Privacy Policy
15. About Us Information
16. Site Map
17. Copyright information
18. Useful Links
19. Media Information
20. On-line store
21. News
22. Directions to Your Bricks & Mortar Premises

Step 3 - Choose a Web Hosting Company.

What is a Web hosting Company?

A webhost is a company that provides server space for your website. You can think of a web host as a commercial building. The web host provides space for your website just as a commercial building provides space for your shop or office. You can build your own building and you can host your own website, but because of the cost and expertise required it is easier to rent the space.

Which Company Should I Choose?

Webhosting companies are not created equal so you need to take a number of things into account when selecting one. A proven track record, experience and reliability form the foundation of any successful business partnership.

Some of the issues you should consider when choosing a webhosting company include:

1. Support - Does it provide comprehensive Technical Support - 24 hours a day, seven days a week?

2. Reliability - Does it have multiple large-scale links to the internet to provide a fail-safe path to your customers from anywhere in the world?

3. Security - Does it have a robust security system that minimises risk of web site intrusion?

4. State-of-the-art - Does the company utilises leading edge technology and is supported by a large-scale uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.

5. Scalability - Does the product range and services offered allow your business to grow without impediment by making it easy to upgrade and add components to existing product levels.

Step 4 - Getting people to your site.

The marketing of your website is important if you want to draw visitors to your site. If you don't promote your website no-one will ever see it. There are a number of different ways of advertising your website. The best strategy is one, which integrates your existing promotion methods with your website.

1. Office Stationery - Including your web address and email address on your stationery is probably the easiest way to draw attention to your site. It's cost effective and gets your Internet presence out there in the market place.

2. Business Cards - When printing business cards you should include the individual's email address and main address of your website.

3. Radio Advertising - Radio Advertising should include your web address. Don't include the http://, try "Visit us on the internet at w-w-w-dot-qikphone-dot-com-dot-au". If your budget is limited, you may wish to consider community radios.

4. Email and Mail-Outs - Let your current customers know the details of your website. You can either send them an email or a letter/postcard. Keep your website's content up-to-date and they will keep coming back!

5. Print Media - Print advertising should include a generic email address for the company and include your website address. Normally positioned at the bottom right or bottom centre of your advertisement.

6. Search Engines & Directories - People looking for your website who don't know the URL are most likely to use an on-line search engine to look for your organisation or the kind of products and services you offer. There are over 300 major search engines and directories, but you should concentrate on the larger, more commonly used ones. These include: Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Anzwers, Inktomi, Infoseek, Lycos, Excite, HotBot, MSN, Dogpile, AllTheWeb etc.

7. Links from other websites - A good way to attract visitors to your site is through the use of hyperlinks placed on other sites. If you know of another site which has a list of links and you think your website would be a good addition, let the website owner know. You might also offer to provide a link from your site back to the other site. This will encourage the webmaster to include your site. You should also seek out partners for trading links including vendors, suppliers and providers of complimentary products.

8. Link Exchange - Another way to getting a link is through a system called Link Exchange, a free public service designed to help websites advertise each other. With Link Exchange, you agree to display advertising banners for other Link Exchange members and they agree to display banners for you. The System is automatic, you simply add a piece of HTML code to your web page and Link Exchange will display an advertisement for another website. The disadvantage with Link Exchange is that you don't get any control as to where your banner ad appears or the type of banner ads that will appear on your website. It is not possible to guarantee that a competitor of yours may have their banner ad displayed on your site.

9. Paid Banner Advertising/Affiliate Marketing Programs - Various sites give you the opportunity to purchase banner advertising on their site. Some sites will charge you a flat monthly fee while other sites will charge you based on the number of people who see your ad.

Mint money on the the net


Posted on : 6:50 AM | By : Walpaper

This might sound like a hype that you can setup your own cash pulling machine within next 30 days and make some killer money on autopilot within next few months.

If you follow the plan that I lay down in this article, you will have your own cash pulling machine generate cash for you day in day out.

But there is one problem. You have to work hard initially. There is no get rich quick system involved right here.

Work hard, have patience and think BIG if you want to succeed on the internet.

Are you still with me? That's great. Check out these cash pulling steps...

Step 1 - Research a Niche.

Step 2 - List Building.

Step 3 - Product Development.

Step 4 - Website Setup.

Step 5 - Drive Traffic.

The purpose of this article is to show you step by step how to setup your own cash pulling machine within next 30 days step by step.

Lets get started...

Step 1 - Research a Niche.

Research a niche or a topic that you are interested in.

Lets say you are interested in setting up a dog training website.

Now research this niche. Visit google and check out top 20 websites as to what are they doing.

Check out their sales process. What are they selling? How they have created their website?

Do they sell their own products or affiliate products? Generate ideas by visiting these sites as they are your competitors.

Now grab some top keyword research tool like wordtracker or keywords analyzer.

They will give you demand and competition relating to this niche and also show you the profitability ratio.

This will help you to make a sound decision whether to go into that niche or not.

Your goal is to find out a niche that has sufficient demand and less competition.

Once you have researched your niche that you want to target move on to step 2.

Step 2 - List Building.

It is extremly important to build a list. List building involves the following simple steps...

1. Create a free gift in your niche.

2. Setup a landing page where you give your free gift to your website visitors.

3. Setup an autoresponder that helps in collecting name and email address from your visitors through your website.

4. Setup an ecourse that will follow up your subscribers for months with quality content and also sell your products simultaneously.

In part 2 I will cover the remaining steps where I will show you how to get started with your own product almost instantly.



Posted on : 1:47 AM | By : Walpaper | In :

Welcome to the blog that offers you job opportunities, remember company listed here are genuine and no membership fees required. Scroll and check which one(s) suite you and read each company's terms before submitting your C.V or resume.

Good luck
Deighliz Group Plc.


Business Intelligence Analyst for an exciting company

The Designory seeks a candidate to support our growing Business Intelligence group with reporting and analysis of consumer activities within various online channels. Our goal is to inform and accelerate improvements in our marketing communications with actionable business insights derived from analysis of data and reports provided by online web analytics tools.


Responsible for providing accurate reporting and analysis of the performance of our clients’ online properties. Create benchmarks and performance reports for various online marketing campaigns. Describe behavior patterns (clustering of activities) in various online channels and provide actionable business insights to other business units. Provide ad hoc reporting for various internal and client business groups. Assist in analysis of quality and consistency of data derived from online tracking tools


Strong analytical background 2-3 years experience working with business analytical tools and methodologies Demonstrated experience in data querying, processing, analysis, summary and presentation of results Ability to proactively spot data trends or anomalies, investigate them and report findings to coworkers for further analysis or recommended action Experience using online web analytics tools (Omniture, Hitbox, WebTrends, etc.) for traffic, pathing, and campaign effectiveness analysis Able to proactively work alone and within a team environment Ability to derive actionable business insights from your reporting and analysis Ability to export data into spreadsheets, databases or statistical analysis tools and determine how to further analyze the data when needed

To apply for the position, please email your resume and salary history to careers@designory.com


This link is for well paid freelance jobs. There are no hidden cost. Just register and start receiving projects.



Please register and you can earn from a variety of tasks which include paid to read , paid to click, plaid to sign up and paid to complete offers.


Data Entry Typists Transcriptionists

We are looking for good typists who can work from home, to produce written transcripts of recordings of journalism interviews, conference calls, meetings, speeches, etc.

For more information and how to apply:


Berkeley Transcripts

Data Entry Transcriptionists

USA and Canada.

COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Berkeley Transcripts, a division of Snap, delivers 100%-accurate transcripts of all non-technical audio with a 24 hour turn around time. Berkeley Transcripts and Snap are based out of Berkeley, California with transcriptionists around the United States and Canada.

DIVISION: Document Preparation and Processing.

LOCATION: Any - work is performed from home.


RESPONSIBILITIES: Produce edited quality transcripts of non-technical, digital format audio.

QUALIFICATIONS: Transcription experience preferred but not required. Should have strong writing and research skills. Must have access to a computer with a broadband Internet connection. Native English speakers preferred.


You must:

1. Have a broadband connection and be tech-savvy (ftp servers, creative Internet searches, etc.)

2. Have a fluent command of the English language.

Our product and pay:

Our product is very straightforward: it is a fully corrected, 100% accurate transcript of non-technical audio. A transcriber receives a digital audio file via our ftp server and must then produce an edited quality transcript. On average, an hour of audio takes 4.5 hours to transcribe. Pay is per audio hour and averages out to about $7 per hour. You can expect to transcribe 1 audio hour per day initially; as transcribers get faster and better, they have the opportunity to take on a heavier workload. Go to:


Escriptionist.com, LLC

Data Entry Transcriptionists

What do we transcribe? You name it. We do it. Interviews, dictation, business meetings, conference calls, focus groups, press briefings, lectures, radio shows, panel discussions, and seminars. We offer transcription services for almost any audio format.

Send us your resume and we’ll get in touch with you as positions become available. No phone calls please.



Worldwide Messaging

Data Entry Customer Service Reps

Earn up to $280 per week sitting home right at your computer! Here's how: Do you have a cable modem, DSL or high speed Internet connection? Do you have a home telephone line? Can you type at least 30 words per minute? Worldwide Messaging a nationwide call center is looking for anyone who can answer yes to the above questions, absolutely a legitimate work at home career is now available, candidates home computer must meet the following requirements:

1. Operating System needs to be XP with service Pack 2 and all current updates must be installed and continually upgraded
2. Must have a 17" screen or lager and min. Display setting set to 1024/768
3. Must have a current antivirus program 2006 or 2007 with all updates being
done regularly
4. High speed Broadband connection.
5. At least one gig hard drive space free at all times
6. Unlimited home telephone service

Worldwide messaging does not sell, offer to sell, or provide any of the above services or items, there is absolutely nothing you need to buy from us however your home computer must meet the above requirements, in the event you need to purchase any of the above we suggest you visit a local computer store or www.dell.com, accepted candidates will start immediately.

E-mail any questions to applicant@answeranytime.com.


Keystrokes Transcription Service Inc.

Date Entry Transcriptionists-Medical

Keystrokes only hires top-quality transcriptionists. If you fit the following requirements, please feel free to apply with us by filling out an on-line application. Go to:



Data Entry Coders
Work from Home Nationwide

We are looking for coders with at least 3 years experience in a particular clinical specialty with certification designations in one of four areas CPC, RHIA, RHIT, or CCS.

Apply online:


Cass Information Systems

Work At Home Data Entry Operators

Cass Information Systems is the nation's leading provider of payment and information services for financial, accounts payable, transportation, logistics and utility needs. We operate facilities in St. Louis, MO, Columbus, OH, Lowell, MA and Greenville, SC
We are strongly committed to the welfare and professional growth of our staff. Go to for details


ICON Coding

Medical Coders
Coders needed throughout the United States.

For more information and how to apply:


Echo Sten-Tel

Data Entry Transcriptionist Editor

Are you interested in becoming a transcriptionist or editor for Echo Sten-Tel?

If so, please go to our website for further instructions on how to apply:


U.S. Transcription, Inc

Data Entry Transcriptionists

For more information go to the website.


Book Editing Associates

Freelance Developmental Editing, Copyediting Line Editing, Proofread
Applicants must be able to perform the following services:

developmental editing, copyediting, line editing, proofreading, fact checking.

Editors work directly with clients and remain freelance.

Qualified applicants will be sent several short editing and writing tests.

For more information go to:




Various Virtual Office Careers - Data Management

The growth and demand for LEC activities has created several openings in this exciting company for experienced Laboratory Automation personnel. The LEC has central offices in Florida, but we embrace the "virtual office concept", and will be happy to discuss your ability to live where you please as you serve as a valued LEC Team Member. Some of th positions include:

Product Data Management Specialist.
Document Management Specialist.
For more information on how to apply go to:


Hispano American Communications

Phone Surveyor Data Entry Work at Home

Nationwide opportunity for those who desire to work at home..

Phone Surveyor Position in work from home environment making phone calls to our supplied list of companies. The Phone Surveyor will call businesses to determine they needs for Spanish translation of their company documents. No selling involved.

Requirements include:

4 hour shifts between 8AM PST & 5 PM EST, 40 dials per hour and 160 dials per shift,
Online data entry of call record in database form online.

Separate High speed Internet connection, Microsoft Internet Explorer, email, a quiet work area,unlimited long distance calling plan, ability to Type 30 WPM.

For more information and to apply call 480-824-2088 (24 hours).


Audio Data Entry Typists & Editors

We find internet technology to be wonderfully liberating. expedict has brought the human element back into work by making home working around one's personal commitments a real and increasingly popular option. At the same time, we are helping corporations to get their typing done without having to choose between overburdening existing staff and taking the costly step of hiring more hands. We also consider ourselves to be a very green business (in the environmental sense). Being completely digital, we consume next to no paper products. Nor do we commute, as the bulk of our workforce operates from home. In short, we want both client and typist to work from their respective holiday home! We trust there's something in our mission statement and how we view ourselves that appeals to you

We operate mainly in the financial, communications and legal fields.
Our typists are scattered around the globe, allowing us to provide a 24/7 service.

All of our documents are produced in English, but regional knowledge and familiarity with various accents are definite advantages.

For more information, requirements and to apply online:


Cypher Coding

Cypher Coding is seeking highly motivated, detail-oriented individuals who would like to work from their homes as Independent Contractors. Each Independent Contractor must have an IBM-compatible computer, high-speed Internet connection, printer, and at least one year experience in the legal industry or field.

As an Independent Contractor, individuals have a full- or part-time opportunity to work, with complete flexibility as to the times and hours that allow balance between family, work, education and the demands of everyday life.

We provide project-based services for clients' document coding and data entry. The work is not difficult; however, it is not for everyone. We maintain high standards for our clients, and, in turn, from our Independent Contractors.

If you are interested in becoming an Independent Contractor, we invite you to take a close look at this opportunity and complete the online application.



Personal Touch Coding Solutions

Data Entry Coding
Personal Touch Coding Solutions is always looking for skilled individuals for the following positions:
Coding Consultant
H.I.M. Clerk

Apply online:


Market Makers

Data Entry Work from home

If you're an experienced professional who is looking for a career that challenges your mind and respects your sense of independence, MarketMakers is looking for you.
At MarketMakers, you'll work on accounts with names like General Electric, Agilent Technologies, Springhouse, and Land Rover. You'll work with a team of skilled specialists in a friendly, open environment. Best of all, you'll enjoy incredible flexibility including the ability to name your hours and work from home.


Code Med

Medical Coders

We are always searching for quality people to become an integral part of our team. We are seeking those who Like to work in the comfort of your home, Want flexible work hours, Wants the option to travel to different assignments, and Likes earning an excellent salary.

Apply online at:




Translators, Localizers, Data Researchers, Web Sales Personnel

Translators: ENDOS is hiring telecommute Translators, Localizers, Data Researchers and Web Sales Personnel.

For more information, requirements and to apply, please visit the website:



Axion Data Services

Data Entry Operators Work Form Home anywhere in the U.S. or Canada

visit web address at:



Independent Translators Independent telecommute contractors
Policies and Application Form


Transcription 2000 Services, Inc.

Data Entry Transcriptionists

We are currently hiring independent contractor transcriptionists. You may apply below if you have excellent transcription skills and take pride in your product.



Production Transcripts

Data Entry Transcribers Not Medical
Transcribers must be highly proficient and experienced transcribers. Only transcribers with experience transcribing from digital files will be hired.

Prior to employment there will be a test.

Please indicate your previous transcription experience, your current WPM, and your current employment situation.

Apply online:


Delta Document Services

Data Entry Abstractors Nationwide

If you are an Abstractor who may be interested in joining our network, please send us an email and let us know which county(s) you cover and your fees.

You can also fill out the form online and submit it to us. Our document retrieval requests are simple, usually just a particular mortgage and its assignments.

We give you the pertinent information, such as name, address, date of mortgage, loan amount, and other relevant information when we have it, so there is little research to be performed.

We have requests for documents in every county in the United States, so chances are, we could use your help. You will find that working for Delta Document Services is a pleasant and rewarding experience.

For more details and to apply:



Data Entry-Web Research- Work from Home

This is a real work from home position for a candidate that has exceptional data entry, computer and web browsing skills.

You will be supporting our recruiters by researching internet job postings in multiple industries with our specific tools and entering the data into our system.

You must be self directed and responsible. You will have a quality and quantity quota to meet.

For more information, requirements and how to apply, please visit the website:



Data Entry Transcribers work from home Nationwide.

Talk2TYPE has freelance, part-time and full-time positions available for Transcribers.

For a freelance, or independent contractor, have a working computer, be computer literate, have a reliable e-mail account, a full-size cassette transcription machine, be extremely alert with a fine attention to detail and accuracy, be responsible and capable of never missing a tight deadline.

Go to website and Email resume





Remote Captioner Data Entry Positions

We are currently accepting resumes and cover letters for the positions of Realtime Captioners, Production Coordinators, and Offline Captioners in our captioning division. Please visit websites




Palm Coast Data

Data Entry Home-Keyer

If you contract with us as a Data Entry Home-Keyer, you would work at your own pace and during the times of the day you choose. As an independent contractor, you will be paid on a per-piece basis, not an hourly wage. Data Entry Keyers working from their homes are independent contractors; they are not employees of Palm Coast Data.

Go to their website and review the careers section.




Data Entry - Work at Home

The In-Home Data Entry candidates will be responsible for operating keyboard or other data entry devices to enter data into computer, checking the quality of entry and sending the completed entry to Team Leader from their home. Verifies field which may fail preliminary edits. Meeting all standard for performance and quality. May run reports to compare data entered from data entry forms. Detect errors and make the necessary corrections in database. Perform other functions as assigned relating to capturing accurate information relative to employee data. Education High School diploma, GED and a minimum of one year experience. Must have proficient alpha numeric and numeric data entry skills and basic computer knowledge. Must be able to work independently with little supervision and own your own computer and have Internet access. You will be allowed to work from home. Email or go to website;






Data Entry Specialists

Maintain SAP Human Resource database including the accurate and timely data entries for new hires and job changes terminations, new hires, transfers, leave of absences, etc.
Process timely data transfer to payroll and external benefit systems.

Go to the following site and click on "apply for a job online".


Smart Data Solutions

Data Entry - Work From Home

Requirements: Cable Internet, 17 monitor, 70+ WPM, 10 key, available 4 hours per day. Salary Wage: contractor / paid on a per claim. Salary based on speed. Please only qualified candidates residing in Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota need apply.

Email resume to:


Data Solutions

Data Processing

We are in need of independent agents for Medical Transcription, Legal
Transcription, Data Processing, Cad Designing, and Online Customer care
support services. Wanted agents all over USA, Canada, UK and all
European Countries. Good opportunity for freelance workers. For
details contact send resume to:

Dat Solutions 220 W Brandon Blvd

Brandon, FL 33511

(applicants that call our offices will not be considered for employment!)


Clerical and Data Entry Positions

Home based opportunities include editors, resume writers, medical transcription and Recording Specialists. For more information visit:



Worldwide Transcription Data Entry

OUTSEC is always looking for people who want the flexibility of working from home on their own PCs. If you have a system with Windows 98 or later, Internet Explorer 6,Word 2000,internet connection, sound card, and a processor greater than a P450 then you can start working for OUTSEC.

We are interested in applications from all parts of the world. OUTSEC has members working in many different countries and time zones. You will need to have good typing skills and the ability to transcribe from audio digital sound files. A clear grasp of English grammar is essential. Training will be given. You may be asked to take a typing test to establish your skill level. We have demand for our services from solicitors, lawyers and barristers, estate agents, surveyors and the medical world - if you have experience in any of these areas in a secretarial capacity we would love to hear from you.




Transcribers and Data Entry Typists Work From Home

If you are a quick typist with a good ear for language and a strong sense of written English, transcribing for Tigerfish can be a way to earn money while working at home (or on the road) with a flexible schedule. Tigerfish has been in business since 1989. While we demand the highest quality of work from our transcribers, we are known for friendliness and flexibility concerning their needs. Many transcribers have been with us for more than a decade. These include stay-at-home parents, artists and writers pursuing creative projects, and people working from abroad as they travel.


Oracle Transcription, Inc
Experienced Transcriptionists

Oracle Transcription, Inc. hires only the best transcriptionists available. People who meet our high qualifications and work experience requirements can expect a rewarding career. If you think you meet our high standards, your search is over. To apply, please fill out our on-line application or call (800) 983-3581 and ask for Human Resources. Join a great company and thousands of people who work at home on their own schedule.

Full-Time and Part-Time Options
Full-time is a minimum of 5,000 lines transcribed per week.
Part-time is a minimum of 3,500 lines transcribed per week.
At least three years of experience required; three to five years of experience in medical records preferred.
Excellent knowledge of medical terminology in various medical specialties.
Knowledge of current drugs.
Excellent grammar and punctuation skills are required.
Must be able to perform at an accuracy rate of 98% and meet prescribed turnaround deadlines.
Offshore MTs need not apply.
Advantages of Working for OTI; You may set your own hours, We have optional benefits for full-time contracts, Our staff is friendly and supportive.
Training is done in your home, over the phone.
Quality Assurance/Technical Support: Easy access to our staff by phone or email, and a quick response time.


Type A Scan

Hires nationwide Data entry workers to work from their home offices.
info@typeascan.com , http://www.typeascan.com

Keystrokes Transcription Service Inc.

Date Entry Transcriptionists-Medical

Keystrokes only hires top-quality transcriptionists. If you fit the following requirements, please feel free to apply with us by filling out an on-line application. Go to:



Data Entry Coders
Work from Home Nationwide

We are looking for coders with at least 3 years experience in a particular clinical specialty with certification designations in one of four areas CPC, RHIA, RHIT, or CCS.

Apply online:


Cass Information Systems
Work At Home Data Entry Operators
Cass Information Systems is the nation's leading provider of payment and information services for financial, accounts payable, transportation, logistics and utility needs. We operate facilities in St. Louis, MO, Columbus, OH, Lowell, MA and Greenville, SC
We are strongly committed to the welfare and professional growth of our staff. Go to for details:


Echo Sten-Tel

Data Entry Transcriptionist Editor

Are you interested in becoming a transcriptionist or editor for Echo Sten-Tel?

If so, please go to our website for further instructions on how to apply:


U.S. Transcription, Inc

Data Entry Transcriptionists

For more information go to the website.


Book Editing Associates

Freelance Developmental Editing, Copyediting Line Editing, Proofread
Applicants must be able to perform the following services:
developmental editing, copyediting, line editing, proofreading, fact checking.
Editors work directly with clients and remain freelance.
Qualified applicants will be sent several short editing and writing tests.
For more information go to:



Various Virtual Office Careers - Data Management

The growth and demand for LEC activities has created several openings in this exciting company for experienced Laboratory Automation personnel. The LEC has central offices in Florida, but we embrace the "virtual office concept", and will be happy to discuss your ability to live where you please as you serve as a valued LEC Team Member. Some of th positions include:

Product Data Management Specialist.
Document Management Specialist.
For more information on how to apply go to:


Personal Touch Coding Solutions

Data Entry Coding
Personal Touch Coding Solutions is always looking for skilled individuals for the following positions:
Coding Consultant
H.I.M. Clerk

Apply online:


Recommendation: The first link is a massive directory with literally thousands of Real Work at Home Job Openings. Because of this, they have a small registration fee. But I still highly recommend them because I continue to get tons of email from other members that have had great success in making money there. The rest of the listings are all free. Enjoy!

Company Nature of work URL for Job

Freelance Work Ex MASSIVE DATABASE www.gofreelance.com

Team Double-Click Data Entry www.teamdoubleclick.com

SCI @ Home Data Entry www.sciathome.com

PalmCoast Data Data Entry www.palmcoastd.com

Connect Plus Data Entry www.connect-dataplus.com

Tiger Fish DataEntry www.tigerfish.com

U.S. Transcription Data Entry www.ustranscription.com

Escriptionist Data Entry www.escriptionist.com

D&L Typing Service Data Entry www.medicalreport.com

Viable Technologies Data Entry www.viabletechnologies.com

R+B Sten-Tel Data Entry www.rbsten-tel.com

Expedict Data Entry www.expedict.co.uk

Talk 2 Type Data Entry www.talk2type.net

Net Transcripts Data Entry www.nettranscripts.com

High Tech Pros Virtual Assistant www.hightechpros.com

Virtual Office Temps Virtual Assistant www.virtualassistantjobs.com

Delta Document Abstractor www.deltadocument.com

Accurapid Translator www.accurapid.com

High Tech Pros Web Marketing Intern www.hightechpros.com

A Humble Design Graphic Design, Flash www.ahumbledesign.com

1 ACS At-Home Part-Time Data Entry

Provides data entry and verification support to a task, project, contract, or division by operating data entry equipment to code, format, and transcribe data from a source document and/or phone call into a form suitable for storing, retrieving, processing, and manipulating within an automated system.
More information and to apply online:

2 Team Double-Click, Inc.

Data Entry - Virtual Assistants
Double-Click, Inc. provides professional virtual office assistants and professional real estate virtual assistants for small and home-based businesses. We are a virtual staffing agency, working with hundreds of the best professional virtual office assistants the world has to offer. Double-Click offers its clients cost-effective solutions to inflexible bricks-and-mortar staffing by staffing virtually. We welcome you and we'd be happy to have you join our team too! We are a unique service in that we do not charge our Team Contractors a fee to work with us. So how do we get paid? Well, we receive a percentage from our clients. In other words, clients pay us in order to connect with you.
All work that you would perform for Team Double-Click, Inc. is on a contract basis. We offer no minimum amount of work to any team contractors.
Go to:

3 Data Entry - Administration

This is an assistant position in which you will screen and sort incoming email, enter resumes into our database, and post job openings. May be involved other tasks/projects. This is a part-time position that will start out at around 10-15 hours/week, but may grow to 20 and up to 40 hours per week

4 Administrative Advantage

Editors - Data Entry Transcription
Hiring onsite or home-based medical transcriptionists and editors.

5 SCIatHome

Home Based Agents Data Entry
We are currently seeking experienced home based agents with a background in customer service, data entry, inbound outbound telemarketing, sales and client services.
More information and how to apply:

6 Expedite- IR Transcripts Editor - Data Entry

Expedict is specialised in producing transcripts from digital audio recordings. Our main differentiation with other transcription companies is how we take full advantage of the internet to create an efficient system for matching customer work with typists who can be based anywhere in the world.
More information and how to apply:

7 Morgan Stewart - Medical Coders

Experienced medical transcribers. Apply online


8 Humble Designs

They have opportunities for freelance web designers and programming specialists.For more information and how to apply


9 Lan Transcription and Business Services

Language Teacher, copy editor, proofreader, editor, dataenrty transcriber. If you have a passion for language and want to join their network of growing language professionals, please apply online. http://www.translation.com.mx/joinus.html

10 Stel Tel

Data Ebtry Transcriptionists

Do you want to be part of one of the most innovative companies in the transcription and dictation industry? Do you want to be a part of a true team environment? Then Sten-Tel Inc is looking for you. Click on


11 R&B Sten-TeL

Has opportunities for Medical & Non Medical Transcriptionists

Apply online http://www.rbsten-tel.com/careers.htm

12 Viable Technologies

Voice Transcriptionists Data Entry USA
Based on the latest technology available in the market, VRT (Viable Realtime Transcription) is an affordable, high-quality remote realtime transcription service for students with hearing loss. Since we make VRT available only for educational settings through remote technology, we are able to provide high-quality realtime transcription services at reasonable rates.
VRT certified transcribers are carefully screened for quality assurance purposes. We match our transcribers to each class based on their subject-matter expertise. In addition, our transcribers review textbooks and other reading materials for special terminology, proper nouns, and concepts at the beginning of each semester. We establish policies that ensure students with hearing loss have equal access to education as those with normal hearing.
Apply online:

13 Medical Coders USA

Join an established, challenging team of over 200 professionals providing support to the Health Information Management Departments across the nation.
Excellent Compensation.
Travel Opportunities if Desired.
Great Flexibility.
Set Your Own Schedule.
Coding from Home.
Evening and Weekend Work Available.
Apply online:

14 D&L Typing Service, Inc Data Entry Transcriptionists
USA and Canada

Unlike many transcription companies that work on a first in, first out basis our company uses a system of primary and secondary transcriptionists. A dictator is assigned a primary transcriptionist, that individual is responsible for all the dictator’s work. The secondary transcriptionist does backup for the primary. Senior proofreaders proof your work.
For more information and to apply:


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